Autonomous Mower

Through teamwork with two talented friends (Charlie Deng, and Steven Chen), I spearheaded software development to create an impressive robotics project. My programming expertise delivered responsive controls and intuitive interfaces. My colleagues handled mechanical design and electronic integration, contributing engineering brilliance. Our unique talents were integral to the project’s success. Motivated by this rewarding collaboration, we have now launched Oblivion Robotics - an ambitious startup applying our complementary skills to build innovative robotics solutions. Our unified vision drives us forward as co-founders.

The mower is integrated with rotational Lidar, camera, IMU, GPS, and Encoder, and is designed to:

  • build maps for golf courses or parks,
  • automatically plan paths and navigate to mowe lawn,
  • detect and avoid collisions with peple, cars, or animals.

It can also be controlled by remote controller, besides operating on the mower.




Please don’t hesitate to get in tough if you’re interested in our autonomous mower!